
Elliot Ackerman
John Beyrle
John Bruno
Bob Bunting
Katharine Donato
Toshiko Kaneda
Charles Kupchan
Ellen Laipson
Charles Lane
Keir Lieber
Sean McFate
Mohsen Milani
Jeffrey Moon
Frank Ostroff
Shelly Rigger
Dennis Ross
Eric Rubin
Jeremy Shapiro
Jeremy Suri
John Tefft
Daniel Tichenor
Lina Tori Jan
Martin Walker
Wendy Whitman Cobb


Dr. Daniel Tichenor is the Philip H. Knight Chair of Political Science and Director of the Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics at the University of Oregon. An expert on American politics and history, immigration and refugee policy, social movements, and the U.S. Presidency, he has published eight books, more than 80 academic journal articles and book chapters, and numerous popular essays. His books include Democracy's Child: Young People and the Politics of Control, Leverage, and Agency (2022), Rivalry and Reform: Presidents, Social Movements, and the Transformation of American Politics (2018), The Politics of International Migration (2012), and Dividing Lines: The Politics of Immigration Control (2002). His forthcoming book is Unsettled: Governing Immigration in a Polarized Nation.

Dr. Tichenor's research awards include the Kammerer Award for the best book on U.S. policy, the Jack Walker Prize, Parker Follette Award, Polity Prize, and Charles Redd Award. He was named to the inaugural class of Andrew Carnegie Fellows for "extraordinary research addressing urgent challenges to U.S. democracy and the international order." Dr. Tichenor holds a Ph.D. in political science from Brandeis University.