
Global Issues 2025
Lectures are held at First United Methodist Church
104 S. Pineapple Ave

Click on title for lecture summary, click on speaker name for biography
  Tuesday 10:30 am Thursday 10:30 am
7 Changing American Attitudes on Foreign Policy: A Challenge to Policymakers
Jeremy Shapiro
9 Ukraine: Standing Firm with Our Allies to Support Democracy
Eric Rubin
14 The President’s Inbox
Charles Lane
16 Iran: New President, New Policies?
Mohsen Milani
21 Climate Change and Health: The Cost of Inaction
Bob Bunting
23 Does the West Have a Future?
Charles Kupchan
28 Space as a Warfighting Domain
Wendy Whitman Cobb
30 Major Challenges for Europe
Martin Walker
4 Women of Afghanistan: Three Years of Oppression, Resistance, and Movement
Gaisu Yari
6 How Do We Preserve Democracy in the 21st Century?
Jeremi Suri
11 The Dark Arts: Ungentlemanly Warfare for Our Time
Sean McFate
13 New Faces, New Places: Global Migration in a Complex World
Katharine Donato
18 The Current State and Probable Future of Russia
John Beyrle
20 Israel at War, the Second Year
Dennis Ross
25 Artificial Intelligence: Changing How We Work
Frank Ostroff
27 The Next Nuclear War
Keir Lieber
4 The European Union and the Transatlantic Relationship
Christopher Hill
6 Population Puzzle: Understanding Global Demographic Changes
Toshiko Kaneda
11 The Middle East You Don't Know
Ellen Laipson
13 The Brain And Cognitive Control In Health And Disease
John Bruno
18 Chasm: Governing Immigration in a Fractured Nation
Daniel Tichenor
20 The U.S. & China: Inseparable Frenemies
Jeffrey Moon
25 China’s Economic Rise: Where Did it Come From and Where is it Headed?
Shelly Rigger
27 Vladimir Putin: In the Tradition of Brutal Russian Autocrats or Unique Leader?
John Tefft
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